API configuration
Take a closer look at the table structure of the
table for a complete list of the fields available by default (reusability) before adding new fields to the table.
DataContainer array
* Palettes
$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_pct_customcatalog_api']['palettes']['myApi'] = '{title_legend},type,be_description;{settings_legend},title,description;{backup_legend:hide},backup;{expert_legend},published';
Available subpalette structure
By default the current palettes relate to the tl_pct_customcatalog_api.type
selector field (the API selector). CustomCatalog also allows more complex selector-to-palette structures for selector fieds:
- type
- mode
Example: Palettes for the Standard API: type="standard", mode="import"
'type_standard_mode_import' => '{title_legend},type,mode,be_description;{settings_legend},title,description;...'
Language files
* CustomCatalog API translations
$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['PCT_CUSTOMCATALOG']['API']['myApi'][0] = 'Meine API';
$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['PCT_CUSTOMCATALOG']['API']['myApi'][1] = 'Dies ist meine eigene API-Schnittstelle.';
We use php files in this example. Fell free to use transifex files.